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Corporate donations

Corporate donations can either be done as a traditional donation or by integrating with our platform.

Make a donation

If you want to make a corporate donation without having to set up an integration, contact us on and they will help you get started.

Integrated donations

Milkywire's integration product enables you to make donations directly from your platform. The donations are sent to Milkywire through an API and processed at the end of each month.

There are two different ways to integrate and create donations. Either you can choose to create a custom integration which enables you to make donations directly from your platform through our REST API. Or, if you have a Shopify shop, you can choose to create a Shopify integration which uses Shopify's web hook to automatically create donations.

Custom integration

Use this type of integration if you want to:

  • have complete control
  • integrate in other platforms than Shopify
  • fetch Milkywire content or donation statistics and display on your platform

If you would like to integrate with this type of setup follow the guide in the guides section.

Shopify integration

Use this type of integration if you want to:

  • donate based on your sales
  • fund raise for a specific collection

If you would like to integrate with this type of setup follow the guide in the guides section.